My personal story

There was a time when I had it together. I was able to step into ‘the zone’ and get my stuff done in an admirable amount of time. When I was 36 years old, with three kids under four, I completed a PhD. I breastfed my youngest while sitting in graduate classes. Yes, it was insane, but I did it. Fast forward to my mid-forties, something happened. Overwhelmed took over any time management I once had. I spent countless years scattered, frustrated, bitter, and burnt out. Finally, I took responsibility for where I was and reclaimed my time. Now I am back running the show. Not my work, not my kids, or my partner. Just me running the show.

What if I told you that after working with me for one year, you can reach the goal you are longing for?

By reaching that goal, there will be ripple effects in your life that will improve your health, your relationships, and your overall sense of purpose.

How would that make you feel?

How would that change your life?

Well, it gets better…

You don’t need to work with me for 100% of the year. All I’m asking for is 25% or 12 weeks of the year. In that small amount of time, we will be able to make the necessary changes to achieve your long-term vision.

Spending only 1/4 of the year with me is not the only reason I called the program 25%. Most individuals spend 16+ hours awake doing life. I ask that you give me 25% (or 4 hours) of that time as productive time working towards your goal. That’s all you need to achieve your goal. I will tell you more about what I want you to do for those remaining hours later in the program.

Also, within the 12 weeks of working with me, we break down your larger goals into smaller increments so that it doesn’t become arduous to implement.

I supply you with a 12-week planner, yes, in my world we do paper and pen because this will be your life’s playbook. The planner is a place for reflection and accountability. You will refer to the planner daily to ensure accountability towards your actions and take full responsibility to achieve what you set out to do. No excuses, no reasons. Simply pure intentional work.

In addition to receiving the planner, you will receive one coaching call per week.

I also plan to use my expertise in psychotherapy to uncover some of your subconscious intentions. Let’s face it, we can’t fix something if we don’t know it’s broken. Thus I have included weekly jounal prompts to help uncover the subconscious beliefs that have hijacked your ability to execute your plans.

It’s that simple.

I didn’t say it was easy, but it is simple.


Allow me to share my own vision…which is, in turn, subsequently broken down as goals.


My vision is born out of a deep understanding of the human condition. I aim to help relieve people’s mental, emotional, and physical suffering by gathering small groups for two-week retreats in locations such as Italy, Mexico, Switzerland, and more. Here, we would gather together and, in doing so, find peace and solitude in one another’s company. We would pray, work, cook, eat, walk, laugh and ultimately, heal together. Because to me, even though suffering is a natural part of life, no one should suffer in solitude. 

Together, we will nourish our bodies with movement and food, cook, meditate, pray, work, laugh and ultimately heal together.

Because to me, even though suffering is a natural part of life, no one should suffer in solitude. 

Are you ready? Let’s fly.

25 Percent Program | CAD 4365.00

Get a FREE 50-minute session, worth CAD 364, when you make the
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(Payment plan available)